Based on the Syberia series, an animated series will be shot

Based on the Syberia series, an animated series will be shot

Microids and What The Prod have announced that Benoit Sokal's captivating world of Syberia will be adapted into an animated series.

The Syberia universe has become a cult classic since the first adventure game was released over two decades ago and captured the hearts of gamers thanks to its rich history, iconic characters and unique atmosphere. Now fans will have the opportunity to delve even deeper into this fascinating universe thanks to the animated series. Meet Kate Walker, Oscar, the Yukolovs and more in an exciting adventure at the crossroads of real and fantasy created by Benoît Sokal.

Elliot Grassiano, Founder and COO of Microids, expresses his enthusiasm for this promising collaboration : "We are thrilled to see Syberia come to life as an animated series. We are excited to partner with What the Prod to offer fans an exceptional visual experience that captures the essence of this iconic license. This series will be another opportunity for gamers and new viewers to discover or rediscover the fascinating world of Syberia".

There is no information about the plot, actors and release date yet.

Author: Katrina Khshanovich


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