"See you tomorrow, Jeff," said the teenager who snuck onto the stage at the 2022 Game Awards

Matan Even, also known as the “Game Awards kid,” made his foray onto the scene in 2022 when Elden Ring won the Game of the Year award. Now the same teenager tweeted, "See you tomorrow Jeff," which is pretty funny. It's unlikely that Even will actually be able to repeat this, especially when everyone knows his face.

This tweet comes after we previously published an article about tightened security measures at The Game Awards. Organizers said they are making every effort to tighten security at the event and improve security levels. They admitted that the incident with Even on stage was, fortunately, only a harmless prank, but acknowledged that it revealed a potential security risk that needs to be addressed.

For those who don't know, Even is known for his actions during a speech at the award ceremony for the winners of the Game of the Year competition (GOTY) for Elden Ring. Even, who was 15 years old at the time, grabbed the microphone and said, “I want to present this award to my reformed Orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton. Thanks everyone." This slightly disrupted the ceremony and attracted a lot of attention.

Author: Katrina Khshanovich


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